Adventurtunity TV

August 19, 2021

Intrigued by the idea of living out of your Holiday Rambler, but need a bit more convincing?

We sent a camera crew to meet the Adventurtunity Family out on the road to find out how they did it, why they did it, and how things have been so far.

Kristi’s Story

Spencer’s Story

Kade’s RV Tour

For more updates from The Adventurtunity Family, subscribe to the Holiday Rambler newsletter!

Adventurtunity Family

Meet Spencer, Kristi and Kade, a.k.a. the Adventurtunity Family! In September 2020, they embarked on an adventure to live full-time in their 37′ Holiday Rambler Vacationer. Originally from Baltimore, they have traveled the country in their RV and are sharing their adventures, insight and tips with others in the hopes of inspiring them to hit the road and explore, too.

Learn more about the Adventurtunity Family here!

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